Naturalistic Digital Behavior Predicts Cognitive Abilities

ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction(2024)

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Individuals are known to differ in cognitive abilities, affecting their behavior and information processing in digital environments. However, we have a limited understanding of which behaviors are affected, how, and whether some features extracted from digital behavior can predict cognitive abilities. Consequently, researchers may miss opportunities to design and support individuals with personalized experiences and detect those who may benefit from additional interventions. To characterize digital behaviors, we collected 24/7 screen recordings, input behavior, and operating system data from the laptops of 20 adults for two weeks. We use cognitive test results from the same individuals to characterize their cognitive abilities: psychomotor speed, processing speed, selective attention, working memory, and fluid intelligence. Our results from regression analysis, path modeling, and machine learning experiments show that cognitive abilities are associated with differences in digital behavior and that naturalistic behavioral data can predict the cognitive abilities of individuals with small error rates. Our findings suggest naturalistic interaction data as a novel source for modeling cognitive differences.
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