GCC: Generative Calibration Clustering


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Deep clustering as an important branch of unsupervised representation learning focuses on embedding semantically similar samples into the identical feature space. This core demand inspires the exploration of contrastive learning and subspace clustering. However, these solutions always rely on the basic assumption that there are sufficient and category-balanced samples for generating valid high-level representation. This hypothesis actually is too strict to be satisfied for real-world applications. To overcome such a challenge, the natural strategy is utilizing generative models to augment considerable instances. How to use these novel samples to effectively fulfill clustering performance improvement is still difficult and under-explored. In this paper, we propose a novel Generative Calibration Clustering (GCC) method to delicately incorporate feature learning and augmentation into clustering procedure. First, we develop a discriminative feature alignment mechanism to discover intrinsic relationship across real and generated samples. Second, we design a self-supervised metric learning to generate more reliable cluster assignment to boost the conditional diffusion generation. Extensive experimental results on three benchmarks validate the effectiveness and advantage of our proposed method over the state-of-the-art methods.
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