Shallow Cross-Encoders for Low-Latency Retrieval

Lecture Notes in Computer Science Advances in Information Retrieval(2024)

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Transformer-based Cross-Encoders achieve state-of-the-art effectiveness in text retrieval. However, Cross-Encoders based on large transformer models (such as BERT or T5) are computationally expensive and allow for scoring only a small number of documents within a reasonably small latency window. However, keeping search latencies low is important for user satisfaction and energy usage. In this paper, we show that weaker shallow transformer models (i.e., transformers with a limited number of layers) actually perform better than full-scale models when constrained to these practical low-latency settings since they can estimate the relevance of more documents in the same time budget. We further show that shallow transformers may benefit from the generalized Binary Cross-Entropy (gBCE) training scheme, which has recently demonstrated success for recommendation tasks. Our experiments with TREC Deep Learning passage ranking query sets demonstrate significant improvements in shallow and full-scale models in low-latency scenarios. For example, when the latency limit is 25ms per query, MonoBERT-Large (a cross-encoder based on a full-scale BERT model) is only able to achieve NDCG@10 of 0.431 on TREC DL 2019, while TinyBERT-gBCE (a cross-encoder based on TinyBERT trained with gBCE) reaches NDCG@10 of 0.652, a +51 Cross-Encoders are effective even when used without a GPU (e.g., with CPU inference, NDCG@10 decreases only by 3 latency), which makes Cross-Encoders practical to run even without specialized hardware acceleration.
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