Efficient Optimization of Sparse User Encoder Recommenders

ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems(2024)

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Embedding representations are a popular approach for modeling users and items in recommender systems, e.g., matrix factorization, two-tower models or autoencoders, where items and users are embedded in a small dimensional, dense embedding space. On the other hand, there are methods that model high-dimensional relationships between items, most notably item-based collaborative filtering (CF), which is based on an item-to-item similarity matrix. Item-based CF has been proposed over two decades ago and gained new interest through new learning methods in the form of SLIM [18] and most recently EASE [25]. In this work, we rephrase traditional item-based collaborative filtering as sparse user encoders where the user encoder is an (arbitrary) function and the item representation is learned. Item-based CF is a special case where the sparse user encoding is the one-hot encoding of a user’s history. Different from typical dense user/item encoder models, this work targets high-dimensional and sparse user encoders. The core contribution is an efficient closed form learning algorithm that can solve arbitrary sparse user encoders. Several applications of this algorithm including higher order encoders, hashed encoders, and feature based encoders are presented.
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