NOTE: Notable generation Of patient Text summaries through Efficient approach based on direct preference optimization


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The discharge summary is a one of critical documents in the patient journey, encompassing all events experienced during hospitalization, including multiple visits, medications, tests, surgery/procedures, and admissions/discharge. Providing a summary of the patient's progress is crucial, as it significantly influences future care and planning. Consequently, clinicians face the laborious and resource-intensive task of manually collecting, organizing, and combining all the necessary data for a discharge summary. Therefore, we propose "NOTE", which stands for "Notable generation Of patient Text summaries through an Efficient approach based on direct preference optimization". NOTE is based on Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care- III dataset and summarizes a single hospitalization of a patient. Patient events are sequentially combined and used to generate a discharge summary for each hospitalization. In the present circumstances, large language models' application programming interfaces (LLMs' APIs) are widely available, but importing and exporting medical data presents significant challenges due to privacy protection policies in healthcare institutions. Moreover, to ensure optimal performance, it is essential to implement a lightweight model for internal server or program within the hospital. Therefore, we utilized DPO and parameter efficient fine tuning (PEFT) techniques to apply a fine-tuning method that guarantees superior performance. To demonstrate the practical application of the developed NOTE, we provide a webpage-based demonstration software. In the future, we will aim to deploy the software available for actual use by clinicians in hospital. NOTE can be utilized to generate various summaries not only discharge summaries but also throughout a patient's journey, thereby alleviating the labor-intensive workload of clinicians and aiming for increased efficiency.
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