Wizard of Props: Mixed Reality Prototyping with Physical Props to Design Responsive Environments.

Yuzhen (Adam) Zhang, Ruixiang (Albert) Han,Ran Zhou,Peter Gyory,Clement Zheng, Patrick C. Shih,Ellen Yi-Luen Do,Malte F. Jung,Wendy Ju,Daniel Leithinger

International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction(2024)

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Driven by the vision of future responsive environments, where everyday surroundings can perceive human behaviors and respond through intelligent robotic actuation, we propose Wizard of Props (WoP): a human-centered design workflow for creating expressive, implicit, and meaningful interactions. This collaborative experience prototyping approach integrates full-scale physical props with Mixed Reality (MR) to support ideation, prototyping, and rapid testing of responsive environments. We present two design explorations that showcase our investigations of diverse design solutions based on varying technology resources, contextual considerations, and target audiences. Design Exploration One focuses on mixed environment building, where we observe fluid prototyping methods. In Design Exploration Two, we explore how novice designers approach WoP, and illustrate their design ideas and behaviors. Our findings reveal that WoP complements conventional design methods, enabling intuitive body-storming, supporting flexible prototyping fidelity, and fostering expressive environment-human interactions through in-situ improvisational performance.
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