LookAhead: Preventing DeFi Attacks via Unveiling Adversarial Contracts

Shoupeng Ren, Tianyu Tu,Jian Liu,Di Wu,Kui Ren


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DeFi incidents stemming from various smart contract vulnerabilities have culminated in financial damages exceeding 3 billion USD. The attacks causing such incidents commonly commence with the deployment of adversarial contracts, subsequently leveraging these contracts to execute adversarial transactions that exploit vulnerabilities in victim contracts. Existing defense mechanisms leverage heuristic or machine learning algorithms to detect adversarial transactions, but they face significant challenges in detecting private adversarial transactions. Namely, attackers can send adversarial transactions directly to miners, evading visibility within the blockchain network and effectively bypassing the detection. In this paper, we propose a new direction for detecting DeFi attacks, i.e., detecting adversarial contracts instead of adversarial transactions, allowing us to proactively identify potential attack intentions, even if they employ private adversarial transactions. Specifically, we observe that most adversarial contracts follow a similar pattern, e.g., anonymous fund source, closed-source, frequent token-related function calls. Based on this observation, we build a machine learning classifier that can effectively distinguish adversarial contracts from benign ones. We build a dataset consists of features extracted from 304 adversarial contracts and 13,000 benign contracts. Based on this dataset, we evaluate different classifiers, the results of which show that our method for identifying DeFi adversarial contracts performs exceptionally well. For example, the F1-Score for LightGBM-based classifier is 0.9434, with a remarkably low false positive rate of only 0.12
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