A Quasi-Monte Carlo Data Structure for Smooth Kernel Evaluations


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In the kernel density estimation (KDE) problem one is given a kernel K(x, y) and a dataset P of points in a Euclidean space, and must prepare a data structure that can quickly answer density queries: given a point q, output a (1+ϵ)-approximation to μ:=1/|P|∑_p∈ P K(p, q). The classical approach to KDE is the celebrated fast multipole method of [Greengard and Rokhlin]. The fast multipole method combines a basic space partitioning approach with a multidimensional Taylor expansion, which yields a ≈log^d (n/ϵ) query time (exponential in the dimension d). A recent line of work initiated by [Charikar and Siminelakis] achieved polynomial dependence on d via a combination of random sampling and randomized space partitioning, with [Backurs et al.] giving an efficient data structure with query time ≈polylog(1/μ)/ϵ^2 for smooth kernels. Quadratic dependence on ϵ, inherent to the sampling methods, is prohibitively expensive for small ϵ. This issue is addressed by quasi-Monte Carlo methods in numerical analysis. The high level idea in quasi-Monte Carlo methods is to replace random sampling with a discrepancy based approach – an idea recently applied to coresets for KDE by [Phillips and Tai]. The work of Phillips and Tai gives a space efficient data structure with query complexity ≈ 1/(ϵμ). This is polynomially better in 1/ϵ, but exponentially worse in 1/μ. We achieve the best of both: a data structure with ≈polylog(1/μ)/ϵ query time for smooth kernel KDE. Our main insight is a new way to combine discrepancy theory with randomized space partitioning inspired by, but significantly more efficient than, that of the fast multipole methods. We hope that our techniques will find further applications to linear algebra for kernel matrices.
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