Federated Class-Incremental Learning with Prototype Guided Transformer


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Existing federated learning methods have effectively addressed decentralized learning in scenarios involving data privacy and non-IID data. However, in real-world situations, each client dynamically learns new classes, requiring the global model to maintain discriminative capabilities for both new and old classes. To effectively mitigate the effects of catastrophic forgetting and data heterogeneity under low communication costs, we designed a simple and effective method named PLoRA. On the one hand, we adopt prototype learning to learn better feature representations and leverage the heuristic information between prototypes and class features to design a prototype re-weight module to solve the classifier bias caused by data heterogeneity without retraining the classification layer. On the other hand, our approach utilizes a pre-trained model as the backbone and utilizes LoRA to fine-tune with a tiny amount of parameters when learning new classes. Moreover, PLoRA does not rely on similarity-based module selection strategies, thereby further reducing communication overhead. Experimental results on standard datasets indicate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches significantly. More importantly, our method exhibits strong robustness and superiority in various scenarios and degrees of data heterogeneity. Our code will be publicly available.
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