Isotopic gamma lines for identification of shielding materials


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Identifying the constituting materials of concealed objects is crucial in a wide range of sectors, such as medical imaging, geophysics, nonproliferation, national security investigations, and so on. Existing methods face limitations, particularly when multiple materials are involved or when there are challenges posed by scattered radiation and large areal mass. Here we introduce a novel brute-force statistical approach for material identification using high spectral resolution detectors, such as HPGe. The method relies upon updated semianalytic formulae for computing uncollided flux from source of gamma radiation, shielded by a sequence of nested spherical or cylindrical materials. These semianalytical formulae make possible rapid flux estimation for material characterization via combinatorial search through all possible combinations of materials, using a high-resolution HPGe counting detector. An important prerequisite for the method is that the geometry of the objects is known (for example, from X-ray radiography). We demonstrate the viability of this material characterization technique in several use cases with both simulated and experimental data.
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