MRxaI: Black-Box Explainability for Image Classifiers in a Medical Setting.

Nathan Blake,Hana Chockler,David A. Kelly, Santiago Calderon Pena, Akchunya Chanchal


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Existing tools for explaining the output of image classifiers can be divided into white-box, which rely on access to the model internals, and black-box, agnostic to the model. As the usage of AI in the medical domain grows, so too does the usage of explainability tools. Existing work on medical image explanations focuses on white-box tools, such as gradcam. However, there are clear advantages to switching to a black-box tool, including the ability to use it with any classifier and the wide selection of black-box tools available. On standard images, black-box tools are as precise as white-box. In this paper we compare the performance of several black-box methods against gradcam on a brain cancer MRI dataset. We demonstrate that most black-box tools are not suitable for explaining medical image classifications and present a detailed analysis of the reasons for their shortcomings. We also show that one black-box tool, a causal explainability-based rex, performs as well as \gradcam.
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