TouchType-GAN: Modeling Touch Typing with Generative Adversarial Network.

UIST '23: Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology(2023)

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Models that can generate touch typing tasks are important to the development of touch typing keyboards. We propose TouchType-GAN, a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network that can simulate locations and time stamps of touch points in touch typing. TouchType-GAN takes arbitrary text as input to generate realistic touch typing both spatially (i.e., (x, y) coordinates of touch points) and temporally (i.e., timestamps of touch points). TouchType-GAN introduces a variational generator that estimates Gaussian Distributions for every target letter to prevent mode collapse. Our experiments on a dataset with 3k typed sentences show that TouchType-GAN outperforms existing touch typing models, including the Rotational Dual Gaussian model [36] for simulating the distribution of touch points, and the Finger-Fitts Euclidean Model [30] for simulating typing time. Overall, our research demonstrates that the proposed GAN structure can learn the distribution of user typed touch points, and the resulting TouchType-GAN can also estimate typing movements. TouchType-GAN can serve as a valuable tool for designing and evaluating touch typing input systems.
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