Cross-Lingual Transfer of Large Language Model by Visually-Derived Supervision Toward Low-Resource Languages

MM '23: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia(2023)

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Recent progress on vision and language research has shown that visual supervision improves the performance of large language models (LLMs) in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. In particular, the Vokenization approach [65] initiated a new way of incorporating visual information into LLM training, demonstrating the potential of visual supervision for NLP tasks in a monolingual (i.e., English) setting. Given the effectiveness of visual information in human communication among people who speak different languages, we tackle an ambitious question in this paper; can we expect that visual supervision contributes to cross-lingual transfer learning from a high-resource language to low-resource languages in NLP tasks? To study this hypothesis, we build a cross-lingual Vokenization model and train a cross-lingual LLM on three languages, English, Urdu, and Swahili, in which the last two are considered low-resource languages. The experimental results demonstrate that our visually-supervised cross-lingual transfer learning method significantly improves the LLM performance in multiple cross-lingual NLP tasks such as XNLI, NER, and TyDiQA tasks for low-resource languages. We also qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate that the benefit of our approach increases as the linguistic distance between low-and high-resource languages grows larger.
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