A class-weighted supervised contrastive learning long-tailed bearing fault diagnosis approach using quadratic neural network


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Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in bearing fault diagnosis. However, its performance oftentimes deteriorates when dealing with highly imbalanced or long-tailed data, while such cases are prevalent in industrial settings because fault is a rare event that occurs with an extremely low probability. Conventional data augmentation methods face fundamental limitations due to the scarcity of samples pertaining to the minority class. In this paper, we propose a supervised contrastive learning approach with a class-aware loss function to enhance the feature extraction capability of neural networks for fault diagnosis. The developed class-weighted contrastive learning quadratic network (CCQNet) consists of a quadratic convolutional residual network backbone, a contrastive learning branch utilizing a class-weighted contrastive loss, and a classifier branch employing logit-adjusted cross-entropy loss. By utilizing class-weighted contrastive loss and logit-adjusted cross-entropy loss, our approach encourages equidistant representation of class features, thereby inducing equal attention on all the classes. We further analyze the superior feature extraction ability of quadratic network by establishing the connection between quadratic neurons and autocorrelation in signal processing. Experimental results on public and proprietary datasets are used to validate the effectiveness of CCQNet, and computational results reveal that CCQNet outperforms SOTA methods in handling extremely imbalanced data substantially.
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