HRMP3+TECS: Component Framework for Multiprocessor Real-time Operating System with Memory Protection.


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The scale and demand for protection functionalities in embedded systems continue to grow as Internet of things technology develops. Simultaneously, multiprocessor real-time operating systems (RTOSs) with memory protection functionalities are broadening in use. On the other hand, the large development effort and poor reusability of multiprocessor RTOS-based development remain hindrances to their use. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a component framework for multiprocessor RTOSs that includes memory protection. In the proposed framework, OS functionalities are reframed as components. The allocation of objects to processors and protection settings, which are supported by the OS, can then be configured based on the component description. Plugins are implemented here to generate files for object generation from component descriptions of OS functionalities. In addition, access to the protection domain can be defined based on the component description. Finally, test programs are used in a performance evaluation. The proposed framework enables extensions to the component-based OS while maintaining most of the functionality and performance of the target OS.
Embedded Systems, Component-based Development, Multiprocessors, Real-time Operating Systems, Memory Protection
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