FLOWER: Viewing Data Flow in ER Diagrams.


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In data science, data pre-processing and data exploration require various convoluted steps such as creating variables, merging data sets, filtering records, value transformation, value replacement and normalization. By analyzing the source code behind analytic pipelines, it is possible to infer the nature of how data objects are used and related to each other. To the best of our knowledge, there is scarce research on analyzing data science source code to provide a data-centric view. On the other hand, two important diagrams have proven to be essential to manage database and software development projects: (1) Entity-Relationship (ER) diagrams (to understand data structure and data interrelationships) and (2) flow diagrams (to capture main processing steps). These two diagrams have historically been used separately, complementing each other. In this work, we defend the idea that these two diagrams should be combined in a unified view of data pre-processing and data exploration. Heeding such motivation, we propose a hybrid diagram called FLOWER (FLOW+ER) that combines modern UML notation with data flow symbols, in order to understand complex data pipelines embedded in source code (most commonly Python). The goal of FLOWER is to assist data scientists by providing a reverse-engineered analytic view, with a data-centric angle. We present a preliminary demonstration of the concept of FLOWER, where it is incorporated into a prototype that traces a representative data pipeline and automatically builds a diagram capturing data relationships and data flow.
flower diagrams,data flower
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