Boundedness for proper conflict-free and odd colorings


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The proper conflict-free chromatic number, $\chi_{pcf}(G)$, of a graph $G$ is the least $k$ such that $G$ has a proper $k$-coloring in which for each non-isolated vertex there is a color appearing exactly once among its neighbors. The proper odd chromatic number, $\chi_{o}(G)$, of $G$ is the least $k$ such that $G$ has a proper coloring in which for every non-isolated vertex there is a color appearing an odd number of times among its neighbors. We say that a graph class $\mathcal{G}$ is $\chi_{pcf}$-bounded ($\chi_{o}$-bounded) if there is a function $f$ such that $\chi_{pcf}(G) \leq f(\chi(G))$ ($\chi_{o}(G) \leq f(\chi(G))$) for every $G \in \mathcal{G}$. Caro et al. (2022) asked for classes that are linearly $\chi_{pcf}$-bounded ($\chi_{pcf}$-bounded), and as a starting point, they showed that every claw-free graph $G$ satisfies $\chi_{pcf}(G) \le 2\Delta(G)+1$, which implies $\chi_{pcf}(G) \le 4\chi(G)+1$. They also conjectured that any graph $G$ with $\Delta(G) \ge 3$ satisfies $\chi_{pcf}(G) \le \Delta(G)+1$. In this paper, we improve the bound for claw-free graphs to a nearly tight bound by showing that such a graph $G$ satisfies $\chi_{pcf}(G) \le \Delta(G)+6$, and even $\chi_{pcf}(G) \le \Delta(G)+4$ if it is a quasi-line graph. Moreover, we show that convex-round graphs and permutation graphs are linearly $\chi_{pcf}$-bounded. For these last two results, we prove a lemma that reduces the problem of deciding if a hereditary class is linearly $\chi_{pcf}$-bounded to deciding if the bipartite graphs in the class are $\chi_{pcf}$-bounded by an absolute constant. This lemma complements a theorem of Liu (2022) and motivates us to further study boundedness in bipartite graphs. So among other results, we show that convex bipartite graphs are not $\chi_{o}$-bounded, and a class of bipartite circle graphs that is linearly $\chi_{o}$-bounded but not $\chi_{pcf}$-bounded.
odd colorings,boundedness,conflict-free
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