Budgeted Matroid Maximization: a Parameterized Viewpoint.


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We study budgeted variants of well known maximization problems with multiple matroid constraints. Given an $\ell$-matchoid $\cm$ on a ground set $E$, a profit function $p:E \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$, a cost function $c:E \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$, and a budget $B \in \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}$, the goal is to find in the $\ell$-matchoid a feasible set $S$ of maximum profit $p(S)$ subject to the budget constraint, i.e., $c(S) \leq B$. The {\em budgeted $\ell$-matchoid} (BM) problem includes as special cases budgeted $\ell$-dimensional matching and budgeted $\ell$-matroid intersection. A strong motivation for studying BM from parameterized viewpoint comes from the APX-hardness of unbudgeted $\ell$-dimensional matching (i.e., $B = \infty$) already for $\ell = 3$. Nevertheless, while there are known FPT algorithms for the unbudgeted variants of the above problems, the {\em budgeted} variants are studied here for the first time through the lens of parameterized complexity. We show that BM parametrized by solution size is $W[1]$-hard, already with a degenerate single matroid constraint. Thus, an exact parameterized algorithm is unlikely to exist, motivating the study of {\em FPT-approximation schemes} (FPAS). Our main result is an FPAS for BM (implying an FPAS for $\ell$-dimensional matching and budgeted $\ell$-matroid intersection), relying on the notion of representative set $-$ a small cardinality subset of elements which preserves the optimum up to a small factor. We also give a lower bound on the minimum possible size of a representative set which can be computed in polynomial time.
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