A Novel Attack Detection Technique to Protect AR-Based IoT Devices from DDoS Attacks

Lecture Notes in Networks and SystemsInternational Conference on Cyber Security, Privacy and Networking (ICSPN 2022)(2023)

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Argumented reality (AR) has become increasingly important tools for transferring data between machines and people as a result of advances in smart gadgets and artificial intelligence (AI). Traditional rigid sensors have outpaced flexible and IoT devices that can be easily incorporated into AR systems. In recent years, adaptable IoT-based AR have been extensively studied for smart skins in the areas of physiological monitoring, motion detection, robotics, healthcare, and other applications. Researchers are focusing on developing the idea of AI in all domains. There are, of course, certain limits to AR ideas and concepts at this stage in their development. To protect AR enabled smart devices from various types of cyber threat, it is necessary to provide security and authentication mechanisms. In this context, in this paper we present a novel attack detection technology that is used to detect DDoS attacks AR-based IoT devices. The proposed approach detects malicious operations with an accuracy of 92.84%. Also works efficiently as compared to other machine learning techniques.
ddos attacks,novel attack detection technique,iot devices,ar-based
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