Getting the Most from Eye-Tracking: User-Interaction Based Reading Region Estimation Dataset and Models

ETRA '23: Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications(2023)

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A single digital newsletter usually contains many messages (regions). Users' reading time spent on, and read level (skip/skim/readin-detail) of each message is important for platforms to understand their users' interests, personalize their contents, and make recommendations. Based on accurate but expensive-to-collect eyetracker-recorded data, we built models that predict per-region reading time based on easy-to-collect Javascript browser tracking data. With eye-tracking, we collected 200k ground-truth datapoints on participants reading news on browsers. Then we trained machine learning and deep learning models to predict message-level reading time based on user interactions like mouse position, scrolling, and clicking. We reached 27% percentage error in reading time estimation with a two-tower neural network based on user interactions only, against the eye-tracking ground truth data, while the heuristic baselines have around 46% percentage error. We also discovered the benefits of replacing per-session models with pertimestamp models, and adding user pattern features. We concluded with suggestions on developing message-level reading estimation techniques based on available data.
eye-tracking,reading region estimation,reading time,recommendation,personalization,neural network,bulk email
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