Industrial Deployment of Compiler Fuzzing Techniques for Two GPU Shading Languages

Alastair F. Donaldson, Ben Clayton, Ryan Harrison,Hasan Mohsin, David Neto, Vasyl Teliman, Hana Watson

2023 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST)(2023)

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We report on our experience at Google deploying a variety of coverage-guided and black-box fuzzers to find bugs in compilers for two graphics shading languages: the WebGPU Shading Language (WGSL) and Standard Portable Intermediate Representation (SPIR-V). We discuss the deployment of coverage-guided fuzzing on ClusterFuzz and OSS-Fuzz using libFuzzer’s built-in mutators, and a number of custom mutators that exploit knowledge of the syntax and semantics of WGSL and SPIR-V. We also discuss the deployment of several black box fuzzers on ClusterFuzz, including two that are based on new randomised program generators for WGSL, which we have also used in a targeted fashion for end-to-end testing of WebGPU implementations. We discuss a series of insights arising from our experience that we hope will be valuable to practitioners and researchers interested in applying fuzzing to industrial problems.
Fuzzing,compilers,graphics shaders,WebGPU,WGSL,SPIR-V
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