Unlocking the Power of Open Set: A New Perspective for Open-Set Noisy Label Learning

AAAI 2024(2024)

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Learning from noisy data has attracted much attention, where most methods focus on closed-set label noise. However, a more common scenario in the real world is the presence of both open-set and closed-set noise. Existing methods typically identify and handle these two types of label noise separately by designing a specific strategy for each type. However, in many real-world scenarios, it would be challenging to identify open-set examples, especially when the dataset has been severely corrupted. Unlike the previous works, we explore how models behave when faced with open-set examples, and find that a part of open-set examples gradually get integrated into certain known classes, which is beneficial for the separation among known classes. Motivated by the phenomenon, we propose a novel two-step contrastive learning method CECL (Class Expansion Contrastive Learning) which aims to deal with both types of label noise by exploiting the useful information of open-set examples. Specifically, we incorporate some open-set examples into closed-set classes to enhance performance while treating others as delimiters to improve representative ability. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets with diverse label noise demonstrate the effectiveness of CECL.
ML: Classification and Regression,ML: Deep Learning Algorithms,ML: Other Foundations of Machine Learning,ML: Representation Learning,ML: Semi-Supervised Learning,ML: Unsupervised & Self-Supervised Learning
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