SlideSpecs: Automatic and Interactive Presentation Feedback Collation.

IUI '23: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces(2023)

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Presenters often collect audience feedback through practice talks to refine their presentations. In formative interviews, we find that although text feedback and verbal discussions allow presenters to receive feedback, organizing that feedback into actionable presentation revisions remains challenging. Feedback may lack context, be redundant, and be spread across various emails, notes, and conversations. To collate and contextualize both text and verbal feedback, we present SlideSpecs. SlideSpecs lets audience members provide text feedback (e.g., ‘font too small’) while attaching an automatically detected context, including relevant slides (e.g., ‘Slide 7’) or content tags (e.g., ‘slide design’). SlideSpecs also records and transcribes spoken group discussions that commonly occur after practice talks and facilitates linking text critiques to relevant discussion segments. Finally, presenters can use SlideSpecs to review all text and spoken feedback in a single contextually rich interface (e.g., relevant slides, topics, and follow-up discussions). We demonstrate the effectiveness of SlideSpecs by deploying it in eight practice talks with a range of topics and purposes and reporting our findings.
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