Hardware-Software Co-design for Side-Channel Protected Neural Network Inference.

IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.(2023)

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Physical side-channel attacks are a major threat to stealing confidential data from devices. There has been a recent surge in such attacks on edge machine learning (ML) hardware to extract the model parameters. Consequently, there has also been work, although limited, on building corresponding defenses against such attacks. Current solutions take either fully software-or fully hardware-centric approaches, which are limited in performance and flexibility, respectively. In this paper, we propose the first hardware-software co-design solution for building side-channel-protected ML hardware. Our solution targets edge devices and addresses both performance and flexibility needs. To that end, we develop a secure RISCV-based coprocessor design that can execute a neural network implemented in C/C++. Our coprocessor uses masking to execute various neural network operations like weighted summations, activation functions, and output layer computation in a sidechannel secure fashion. We extend the original RV32I instruction set with custom instructions to control the masking gadgets inside the secure coprocessor. We further use the custom instructions to implement easy-to-use APIs that are exposed to the end-user as a shared library. Finally, we demonstrate the empirical sidechannel security of the design up to 1M traces.
machine learning inference,side-channel analysis,masking,flexibility
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