WSQ-AdderNet: Efficient Weight Standardization Based Quantized AdderNet FPGA Accelerator Design with High-Density INT8 DSP-LUT Co-Packing Optimization.


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Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been widely adopted for various machine intelligence tasks. Nevertheless, CNNs are still known to be computational demanding due to the convolutional kernels involving expensive Multiply-ACcumulate (MAC) operations. Recent proposals on hardware-optimal neural network architectures suggest that AdderNet with a lightweight ℓ 1 -norm based feature extraction kernel can be an efficient alternative to the CNN counterpart, where the expensive MAC operations are substituted with efficient Sum-of-Absolute-Difference (SAD) operations. Nevertheless, it lacks an efficient hardware implementation methodology for AdderNet as compared to the existing methodologies for CNNs, including efficient quantization, full-integer accelerator implementation, and judicious resource utilization of DSP slices of FPGA devices. In this paper, we present WSQ-AdderNet, a generic framework to quantize and optimize AdderNet-based accelerator designs on embedded FPGA devices. First, we propose a weight standardization technique to facilitate weight quantization in AdderNet. Second, we demonstrate a full-integer quantization hardware implementation strategy, including weight and activation quantization methodologies. Third, we apply DSP packing optimization to maximize the DSP utilization efficiency, where Octo-INT8 can be achieved via DSP-LUT co-packing. Finally, we implement the design using Xilinx Vitis HLS (high-level synthesis) and Vivado to Xilinx Kria KV-260 FPGA. Our experimental results of ResNet-20 using WSQ-AdderNet demonstrate that the implementations achieve 89.9% inference accuracy with INT8 implementation, which shows little performance loss as compared to the FP32 and INT8 CNN designs. At the hardware level, WSQ-AdderNet achieves up to 3.39× DSP density improvement with nearly the same throughput as compared to INT8 CNN design. The reduction in DSP utilization makes it possible to deploy large network models on resource-constrained devices. When further scaling up the PE sizes by 39.8%, WSQ-AdderNet can achieve 1.48× throughput improvement while still achieving 2.42× DSP density improvement.
CNN,AdderNet,model quantization,DSP packing,SIMD,FPGA neural network accelerators
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