On-Device CPU Scheduling for Robot Systems

2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)(2022)

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Robots have to take highly responsive real-time actions, driven by complex decisions involving a pipeline of sensing, perception, planning, and reaction tasks. These tasks must be scheduled on resource-constrained devices such that the performance goals and the requirements of the application are met. This is a difficult problem that requires handling multiple scheduling dimensions, and variations in computational resource usage and availability. In practice, system designers manually tune parameters for their specific hardware and application, which results in poor generalization and increases the development burden. In this work, we highlight the emerging need for scheduling CPU resources at runtime in robot systems. We use robot navigation as a case-study to understand the key scheduling requirements for such systems. Armed with this understanding, we develop a CPU scheduling framework, Catan, that dynamically schedules compute resources across different components of an app so as to meet the specified application requirements. Through experiments with a prototype implemented on ROS, we show the impact of system scheduling on meeting the application's performance goals, and how Catan dynamically adapts to runtime variations.
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