Efficient 2D Graph SLAM for Sparse Sensing

2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)(2022)

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Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) plays a vital role in mapping unknown spaces and aiding autonomous navigation. Virtually all state-of-the-art solutions today for 2D SLAM are designed for dense and accurate sensors such as laser range-finders (LiDARs). However, these sensors are not suitable for resource-limited nano robots, which become increasingly capable and ubiquitous nowadays, and these robots tend to mount economical and low-power sensors that can only provide sparse and noisy measurements. This introduces a challenging problem called SLAM with sparse sensing. This work addresses the problem by adopting the form of the state-of-the-art graph-based SLAM pipeline with a novel frontend and an improvement for loop closing in the backend, both of which are designed to work with sparse and uncertain range data. Experiments show that the maps constructed by our algorithm have superior quality compared to prior works on sparse sensing. Furthermore, our method is capable of running in real-time on a modern PC with an average processing time of 1/100th the input interval time.
2D graph-based SLAM pipeline,autonomous navigation,laser range-finders,LiDAR,low-power sensors,resource-limited nanorobots,sparse noisy measurements,sparse range data,sparse sensing,unknown space mapping
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