Selectively Expanding Queries and Documents for News Background Linking

Conference on Information and Knowledge Management(2022)

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ABSTRACTBackground articles are crucial for readers to grasp the context of news stories fully. However, existing approaches of background article search tend to apply a single ranking method to all types of search topics. In this paper, we focus on exploring search topics on news articles by classifying them into two types:time-sensitive andnon-time-sensitive. To verify whether or not these two types of search topics can benefit from different retrieving methods, we examined a suite of strategies such as document expansion, query rewriting, and semantic re-ranking. Moreover, the relationship between background articles and topics is verified by the two strategies of document expansion (specificity and diversity). The experimental results demonstrate that the optimal usage of the aforementioned strategies is indeed different between the two types of search topics. Furthermore, our in-depth analysis of topics and search results verified that: time-sensitive topics benefit from background articles that can provide more specific knowledge, while non-time-sensitive topics benefit from diversified retrieved documents.
news background linking,queries
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