County-level Algorithmic Audit of Racial Bias in Twitter's Home Timeline


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We report on the outcome of an audit of Twitter's Home Timeline ranking system. The goal of the audit was to determine if authors from some racial groups experience systematically higher impression counts for their Tweets than others. A central obstacle for any such audit is that Twitter does not ordinarily collect or associate racial information with its users, thus prohibiting an analysis at the level of individual authors. Working around this obstacle, we take US counties as our unit of analysis. We associate each user in the United States on the Twitter platform to a county based on available location data. The US Census Bureau provides information about the racial decomposition of the population in each county. The question we investigate then is if the racial decomposition of a county is associated with the visibility of Tweets originating from within the county. Focusing on two racial groups, the Black or African American population and the White population as defined by the US Census Bureau, we evaluate two statistical measures of bias. Our investigation represents the first large-scale algorithmic audit into racial bias on the Twitter platform. Additionally, it illustrates the challenges of measuring racial bias in online platforms without having such information on the users.
racial bias,twitter,audit,county-level
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