FuzzyData: A Scalable Workload Generator for Testing Dataframe Workflow Systems.

ACM Conference on Management of Data(2022)

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Dataframes have become a popular means to represent, transform and analyze data. This approach has gained traction and a large user base for data science practitioners - resulting in a new wave of systems that implement a dataframe API but allow for performance, efficiency, and distributed/parallel extensions to systems such as R and pandas. However, unlike relational databases and NoSQL systems with a variety of benchmarking, testing, and workload generation suites, there is an acute lack of similar tools for dataframe-based systems. This paper presents fuzzydata, a first step in providing an extensible workflow generation system that targets dataframe-based APIs. We present an abstract data processing workflow model, random table and workflow generators, and three clients implemented using our model. Using fuzzydata, we can encode a real-world workflow or randomly generate workflows using various parameters. These workflows can be scaled and replayed on multiple systems to provide stress testing, performance evaluation, and a breakdown of performance bottlenecks present on popular dataframe systems.
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