CS 70 Discrete Mathematics and Probability Theory Spring 2022 Course Notes Note 9 1 Error Correcting Codes


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In this note, we will discuss the problem of transmitting messages across an unreliable communication channel. The channel may cause some parts of the message (“packets”) to be lost, or dropped; or, more seriously, it may cause some packets to be corrupted. We will learn how to “encode” the message by introducing redundancy into it in order to protect against both of these types of errors. Such an encoding scheme is known as an “error correcting code.” Error correcting codes are a major object of study in mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering; they belong to a field known as “Information Theory,” one of the core computer sciences1, along with the theory of computation, control theory, communication theory, and estimation/learning/signal-processing theory. In addition to the beautiful theory underlying them (which we will glimpse in this note), they are of great practical importance: every time you use your cellphone, satellite TV, DSP, cable modem, disk drive, CD-ROM, DVD player etc., or send and receive data over the internet, you are using error correcting codes to ensure that information is transmitted reliably. Error-correcting codes are also used in data centers and to speed up parallel computations. There are, very roughly speaking, (at least) two distinct flavors of error correcting codes: algebraic2 codes, which are based on polynomials over finite fields, and combinatorial codes, which are based on graph theory. In this note we will focus on algebraic codes, and in particular on so-called Reed-Solomon codes (named after two of their inventors). In doing so, we will be making essential use of the properties we learned about polynomials in the last lecture. These error-correcting codes also have a fundamentally linear-algebraic flavor to them as well, as will become clear throughout this note. Being based in finite fields allows the “information as degrees of freedom” perspective from linear-algebraic modeling to be made literal in terms of discrete symbols, bit-rates, etc.
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