Catuscia Palamidessi

ACM SIGLOG News(2020)

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On the 4th of November 2019 (date very close to her 60th birthday), we celebrated Catuscia's intellectual depth, vision, passion for science, and tenacity in solving technical problems. The one-day event was held at the Inria Saclay Center (LIX, École Polytechnique, France) and included the participation of more than 40 of her colleagues and friends. Moreover, as a special gift, we presented Catuscia with an LNCS volume written in her honor, entitled The Art of Modelling Computational Systems: A Journey from Logic and Concurrency to Security and Privacy [Alvim et al. 2019]. The process of reviewing and selecting contributions, as well as of editing the final volume, took over one year. Fortunately, we succeeded in keeping it secret from Catuscia. We received support from EasyChair and Springer for publishing the volume and financial funding for the event from LIX - École Polytechnique and Inria Saclay.
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