Reproducibility in Learning


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Reproducibility is vital to ensuring scientific conclusions are reliable, and researchers have an obligation to ensure that their results are replicable. However, many scientific fields are suffering from a “reproducibility crisis,” a term coined circa 2010 to refer to the failure of results from a variety of scientific disciplines to replicate [Ioa05, OKS15]. A 2012 Nature article by Begley and Ellis reported that the biotechnology company Amgen was only able to replicate 6 out of 53 landmark studies in haematology and oncology [BE12]. In a 2016 Nature article, Baker published a survey of 1500 researchers, reporting that 70% of scientists had tried and failed to replicate the findings of another researcher, and that 52% believed there is a significant crisis in reproducibility [Bak16]. Within the subfields of machine learning and data science, there are similar concerns about the reliability of published findings. The performance of models produced by machine learning algorithms may be affected by the values of random seeds or hyperparameters chosen during training, and performance may be brittle to deviations from the values disseminated in published results [HIB17, IHGP17, LKM18]. To begin addressing concerns about reproducibility, several prominent machine learning conferences have begun hosting reproducibility workshops and holding reproducibility challenges, to promote best practices and encourage researchers to share the code used to generate their results [PVLS20]. In this work, we aim to initiate the study of reproducibility as a property of algorithms themselves, rather than the process by which their results are collected and reported. We define the following notion of reproducibility, which informally says that a randomized algorithm is reproducible if two distinct runs of the algorithm on two samples drawn from the same distribution, with internal randomness fixed between both runs, produces the same output with high probability.
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