SnapperGPS: Algorithms for Energy-Efficient Low-Cost Location Estimation Using GNSS Signal Snapshots


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ABSTRACTSnapshot GNSS is a more energy-efficient approach to location estimation than traditional GNSS positioning methods. This is beneficial for applications with long deployments on battery such as wildlife tracking. However, only a few snapshot GNSS implementations have been presented so far and all have disadvantages. Most significantly, they typically require the GNSS signals to be captured with a certain minimum resolution, which demands complex receiver hardware capable of capturing multi-bit data at sampling rates of 16 MHz and more. By contrast, we develop fast algorithms that reliably estimate locations from twelve-millisecond signals that are sampled at just 4 MHz and quantised with only a single bit per sample. This allows us to build a snapshot receiver at an unmatched low cost of $14, which can acquire one position per hour for a year. On a challenging public dataset with thousands of snapshots from real-world scenarios, our system achieves 97% reliability and 11 m median accuracy, comparable to existing solutions with more complex and expensive hardware and higher energy consumption. We provide an open implementation of the algorithms as well as a public web service for cloud-based location estimation from low-quality GNSS signal snapshots.
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