Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Distributed Machine Learning with Norm-Based Comparative Gradient Elimination

2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W)(2021)

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This paper considers the Byzantine fault-tolerance problem in distributed stochastic gradient descent (D-SGD) method - a popular algorithm for distributed multi-agent machine learning. In this problem, each agent samples data points independently from a certain data-generating distribution. In the fault-free case, the D-SGD method allows all the agents to learn a mathematical model best fitting the data collectively sampled by all agents. We consider the case when a fraction of agents may be Byzantine faulty. Such faulty agents may not follow a prescribed algorithm correctly, and may render traditional D-SGD method ineffective by sharing arbitrary incorrect stochastic gradients. We propose a norm-based gradient-filter, named comparative gradient elimination (CGE), that robustifies the D-SGD method against Byzantine agents. We show that the CGE gradient-filter guarantees fault-tolerance against a bounded fraction of Byzantine agents under standard stochastic assumptions, and is computationally simpler compared to many existing gradient-filters such as multi-KRUM, geometric median-of-means, and the spectral filters. We empirically show, by simulating distributed learning on neural networks, that the fault-tolerance of CGE is comparable to that of existing gradient-filters. We also empirically show that exponential averaging of stochastic gradients improves the fault-tolerance of a generic gradient-filter.
Byzantine fault-tolerant distributed machine,norm-based comparative gradient elimination,Byzantine fault-tolerance problem,distributed stochastic gradient descent method,distributed multiagent machine learning,agent samples data points,data-generating distribution,fault-free case,D-SGD method,Byzantine faulty,faulty agents,arbitrary incorrect stochastic gradients,named comparative gradient elimination,Byzantine agents,CGE gradient-filter guarantees fault-tolerance,existing gradient-filters,generic gradient-filter
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