Isolation Distributional Kernel: A New Tool for Point and Group Anomaly Detections


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We introduce Isolation Distributional Kernel as a new way to measure the similarity between two distributions. Existing approaches based on kernel mean embedding, which convert a point kernel to a distributional kernel, have two key issues: the point kernel employed has a feature map with intractable dimensionality; and it is data independent . This paper shows that Isolation Distributional Kernel (IDK), which is based on a data dependent point kernel, addresses both key issues. We demonstrate IDK’s efficacy and efficiency as a new tool for kernel-based anomaly detection for both point and group anomalies. Without explicit learning, using IDK alone outperforms existing kernel-based point anomaly detector OCSVM and other kernel mean embedding methods that rely on Gaussian kernel. For group anomaly detection, we introduce an IDK based detector called IDK $^2$ . It reformulates the problem of group anomaly detection in input space into the problem of point anomaly detection in Hilbert Space, without the need for learning. IDK $^2$ runs orders of magnitude faster than group anomaly detector OCSMM. We reveal for the first time that an effective kernel-based anomaly detector based on kernel mean embedding must employ a characteristic kernel which is data dependent.
Distributional kernel,kernel mean embedding,anomaly detection
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