Programme Committee Chairs


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The International Workshop on Description Logics is the main annual event of the Description Logic research community. It is the forum at which those interested in description logics, from both academia and industry, meet to discuss ideas, share information, and compare experiences. The workshop explicitly welcomes submissions from researchers that are new to the area and provides quality feedback via peer-reviewing, while at the same time being of an inclusive nature with a very high acceptance rate. There are only informal (electronic) proceedings and inclusion of a paper there is not supposed to preclude its publication at conferences. Further information can be found on the DL Web pages at http://dl. kr. org/.This volume contains the papers presented at the 30th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2017) held on 18–21 July 2017 in Montpellier, France. Every submission to the workshop received three reviews, provided by 49 PC members and 18 additional external reviewers. Overall, the committee decided to accept 39 full papers and 22 extended abstracts. The contents of these papers were presented in 30 regular talks of 25 minutes each, 14 short talks of 15 minutes. The program also included three invited talks by Markus Krötzsch, Andreas Pieris and Uli Sattler.
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