Development of a Humanoid Dual Arm System for a Single Spherical Wheeled Balancing Mobile Robot

2019 IEEE-RAS 19th International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)(2019)

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This paper presents a new 14-DoF dual manipulation system for the CMU ballbot. The result is a new type of robot that combines smooth omnidirectional motion with the capability to interact with objects and the environment through manipulation. The system includes a pair of 7-DoF arms. Each arm weighs 12.9 kg, with a reach of 0.815 m, and a maximum payload of 10 kg at full extension. The ballbot's arms have a larger payload-to-weight ratio than commercial cobot arms with similar or greater payload. Design features include highly integrated sensor-actuator-control units in each joint, lightweight exoskeleton structure, and anthropomorphic kinematics. The integration of the arms with the CMU ballbot is demonstrated through heavy payload carrying and balancing experiments.
humanoid dual arm system,14-DoF dual manipulation system,CMU ballbot,smooth omnidirectional motion,7-DoF arms,payload-to-weight ratio,cobot arms,joint structure,lightweight exoskeleton structure,single spherical wheeled balancing mobile robot,highly integrated sensor-actuator-control units,anthropomorphic kinematics
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