Gobi: WebAssembly as a Practical Path to Library Sandboxing


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Software based fault isolation (SFI) is a powerful approach to reduce the impact of security vulnerabilities in large C/C++ applications like Firefox and Apache. Unfortunately, practical SFI tools have not been broadly available. Developing SFI toolchains are a significant engineering challenge. Only in recent years have browser vendors invested in building production quality SFI tools like Native Client (NaCl) to sandbox code. Further, without committed support, these tools are not viable, e.g. NaCl has been discontinued, orphaning projects that relied on it. WebAssembly (Wasm) offers a promising solution---it can support high performance sandboxing and has been embraced by all major browser vendors---thus seems to have a viable future. However, Wasm presently only offers a solution for sandboxing mobile code. Providing SFI for native application, such as C/C++ libraries requires additional steps. To reconcile the different worlds of Wasm on the browser and native platforms, we present Gobi. Gobi is a system of compiler changes and runtime support that can sandbox normal C/C++ libraries with Wasm---allowing them to be compiled and linked into native applications. Gobi has been tested on libjpeg, libpng, and zlib. Based on our experience developing Gobi, we conclude with a call to arms to the Wasm community and SFI research community to make Wasm based module sandboxing a first class use case and describe how this can significantly benefit both communities. Addendum: This short paper was originally written in January of 2019. Since then, the implementation and design of Gobi has evolved substantially as some of the issues raised in this paper have been addressed by the Wasm community. Nevertheless, several challenges still remain. We have thus left the paper largely intact and only provide a brief update on the state of Wasm tooling as of November 2019 in the last section.
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