TinBiNN: Tiny Binarized Neural Network Overlay in about 5, 000 4-LUTs and 5mW.

Guy G. F. Lemieux,Joe Edwards, Joel Vandergriendt,Aaron Severance, Ryan De Iaco, Abdullah Raouf, Hussein Osman, Tom Watzka, Satwant Singh

arXiv: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing(2019)

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Reduced-precision arithmetic improves the size, cost, power and performance of neural networks in digital logic. In convolutional neural networks, the use of 1b weights can achieve state-of-the-art error rates while eliminating multiplication, reducing storage and improving power efficiency. The BinaryConnect binary-weighted system, for example, achieves 9.9% error using floating-point activations on the CIFAR-10 dataset. In this paper, we introduce TinBiNN, a lightweight vector processor overlay for accelerating inference computations with 1b weights and 8b activations. The overlay is very small -- it uses about 5,000 4-input LUTs and fits into a low cost iCE40 UltraPlus FPGA from Lattice Semiconductor. To show this can be useful, we build two embedded u0027person detectoru0027 systems by shrinking the original BinaryConnect network. The first is a 10-category classifier with a 89% smaller network that runs in 1,315ms and achieves 13.6% error. The other is a 1-category classifier that is even smaller, runs in 195ms, and has only 0.4% error. In both classifiers, the error can be attributed entirely to training and not reduced precision.
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