Diffusive Mobile MC for Controlled-Release Drug Delivery with Absorbing Receiver.

international conference on communications(2019)

引用 18|浏览108
Nanoparticle drug carriers play an important role in facilitating efficient targeted drug delivery, i.e., improving treatment success and reducing drug costs and side effects. However, the mobility of nanoparticle drug carriers poses a challenge in designing drug delivery systems. Moreover, healing results critically depend on the rate and time duration of drug absorption. Therefore, in this paper, we aim to design a controlled-release drug delivery system with a mobile drug carrier that minimizes the total amount of released drugs while ensuring a desired rate of drug absorption during a prescribed time period. We model the mobile drug carrier as a mobile transmitter, the targeted diseased cells as an absorbing receiver, and the channel between the transceivers as a time-variant channel since the carrier mobility results in a time-variant absorption rate of the drug molecules. Based on this, we develop a molecular communication (MC) framework to design the controlled-release drug delivery system. In particular, we develop new analytical expressions for the mean, variance, probability density function, and cumulative distribution function of the channel impulse response (CIR). Equipped with the statistical analysis of the CIR, we design and evaluate the performance of the controlled-release drug delivery system. Numerical results show significant savings in the amount of released drugs compared to a constant-release rate design and reveal the necessity of accounting for drug carrier mobility for reliable drug delivery.
carrier mobility,diffusive mobile molecular communication,channel impulse response,probability density function,cumulative distribution function,diseased cell,statistical analysis,drug molecules,time-variant absorption rate,released drugs,mobile drug carrier,controlled-release drug delivery system,drug absorption,treatment success,efficient targeted drug delivery,nanoparticle drug carriers,drug carrier mobility,constant-release rate design
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