Robustness to Out-of-Distribution Inputs via Task-Aware Generative Uncertainty

2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)(2019)

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Deep learning provides a powerful tool for robotic perception in the open world. However, real-world robotic systems, especially mobile robots, must be able to react intelligently and safely even in unexpected circumstances. This requires a system that knows what it knows, and can estimate its own uncertainty for unfamiliar, out-of-distribution observations. Approximate Bayesian approaches are commonly used to estimate uncertainty for neural network predictions, but struggle with out-of-distribution observations. Generative models can in principle detect out-of-distribution observations as those with a low estimated density, but overly pessimistic as an uncertainty measure, since the mere presence of an out-of-distribution input does not by itself indicate an unsafe situation. Intuitively, we would like a perception system that can detect when task-salient parts of the image are unfamiliar or uncertain, while ignoring task-irrelevant features. In this paper, we present a method for uncertainty-aware robotic perception that combines generative modeling and model uncertainty. Our method estimates an uncertainty measure about the model's prediction, taking into account an explicit generative model of the observation distribution to handle out-of-distribution inputs. We evaluate our method on an action-conditioned collision prediction task with both simulated and real data, and demonstrate that our approach improves on a variety of Bayesian neural network techniques.
uncertainty-aware robotic perception,explicit generative model,observation distribution,action-conditioned collision prediction task,Bayesian neural network techniques,task-aware generative uncertainty,deep learning,open world,real-world robotic systems,mobile robots,out-of-distribution observations,neural network predictions,robotic perception,approximate Bayesian approach
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