Forward to the Past: Notes towards a Pre-history of Web Search


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To me, an awareness of history is a fundamental requirement for progress; and I believe that we in the field of information retrieval are currently ill-served in this domain, or at least not as aware as we should be. While it is true that a researcher in IR is expected to acquire some knowledge of what has gone before, this knowledge is typically fairly narrow in scope. there are some IR researchers who regard IR as a branch of computer science, for example, despite the fact that the field has a long and venerable history entirely outside the domain of computers, as well as a considerable current presence in academic departments well away from CSDs. Outside of our immediate community, there is a widespread belief that web search engines arose out of nothing, a totally new invention for the totally new world of the web. This is unfortunate. It is true that there were huge changes in the information retrieval world in the second half of the twentiethcentury. The ideas, methods and systems that were around in 2000 (particularly the early web search engines, up to and including Google) seem at first glance to be completely different from the ideas, methods and systems that were around in 1950. But these developments involved in large measure the usual process of evolution rather than revolution, and the usual mix of steps large or small, forwards or backwards or sideways. Some of these steps were taken in the world of IR research, and some in the domain of practical commercial systems.
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