S-Caffe: Co-Designing Mpi Runtimes And Caffe For Scalable Deep Learning On Modern Gpu Clusters


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Availability of large data sets like ImageNet and massively parallel computation support in modern HPC devices like NVIDIA GPUs have fueled a renewed interest in Deep Learning (DL) algorithms. This has triggered the development of DL frameworks like Caffe, Torch, TensorFlow, and CNTK. However, most DL frameworks have been limited to a single node. In order to scale out DL frameworks and bring HPC capabilities to the DL arena, we propose, S-Caffe; a scalable and distributed Caffe adaptation for modern multi-GPU clusters. With an in-depth analysis of new requirements brought forward by the DL frameworks and limitations of current communication runtimes, we present a co-design of the Caffe framework and the MVAPICH2-GDR MPI run-time. Using the co-design methodology, we modify Caffe's workflow to maximize the overlap of computation and communication with multi-stage data propagation and gradient aggregation schemes. We bring DL-Awareness to the MPI runtime by proposing a hierarchical reduction design that benefits from CUDA-Aware features and provides up to a massive 133x speedup over OpenMPI and 2.6x speedup over MVAPICH2 for 160 GPUs. S-Caffe successfully scales up to 160 K-80 GPUs for GoogLeNet (ImageNet) with a speedup of 2.5x over 32 GPUs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first framework that scales up to 160 GPUs. Furthermore, even for single node training, S-Caffe shows an improvement of 14% and 9% over Nvidia's optimized Caffe for 8 and 16 GPUs, respectively. In addition, S-Caffe achieves up to 1395 samples per second for the AlexNet model, which is comparable to the performance of Microsoft CNTK.
MPI_Reduce,CUDA-Aware MPI,Caffe,Deep Learning,Distributed Training
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