The Social Media Ecology: User Perceptions, Strategies And Challenges

CHI'16: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems San Jose California USA May, 2016(2016)

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Many existing studies of social media focus on only one platform, but the reality of users' lived experiences is that most users incorporate multiple platforms into their communication practices in order to access the people and networks they desire to influence. In order to better understand how people make sharing decisions across multiple sites, we asked our participants (N=29) to categorize all modes of communication they used, with the goal of surfacing their mental models about managing sharing across platforms. Our interview data suggest that people simultaneously consider "audience" and "content" when sharing and these needs sometimes compete with one another; that they have the strong desire to both maintain boundaries between platforms as well as allowing content and audience to permeate across these boundaries; and that they strive to stabilize their own communication ecosystem yet need to respond to changes necessitated by the emergence of new tools, practices, and contacts. We unpack the implications of these tensions and suggest future design possibilities.
Social media,media ecology,content sharing,boundary management
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