Tomo: Wearable, Low-Cost, Electrical Impedance Tomography For Hand Gesture Recognition

UIST '15: The 28th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology Charlotte NC USA November, 2015(2015)

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We present Tomo, a wearable, low-cost system using Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) to recover the interior impedance geometry of a user's arm. This is achieved by measuring the cross-sectional impedances between all pairs of eight electrodes resting on a user's skin. Our approach is sufficiently compact and low-powered that we integrated the technology into a prototype wrist-and armband, which can monitor and classify gestures in real-time. We conducted a user study that evaluated two gesture sets, one focused on gross hand gestures and another using thumb-to-finger pinches. Our wrist location achieved 97% and 87% accuracies on these gesture sets respectively, while our arm location achieved 93% and 81%. We ultimately envision this technique being integrated into future smartwatches, allowing hand gestures and direct touch manipulation to work synergistically to support interactive tasks on small screens.
Smartwatch,Fitness Band,Bio-impedance,Biometrics,EIT,Finger Input,Mobile Devices,Interaction Techniques
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