Extended LQR: Locally-Optimal Feedback Control for Systems with Non-Linear Dynamics and Non-Quadratic Cost

Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics(2016)

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We present Extended LQR, a novel approach for locally-optimal control for robots with non-linear dynamics and non-quadratic cost functions. Our formulation is conceptually different from existing approaches, and is based on the novel concept of LQR-smoothing, which is an LQR-analogue of Kalman smoothing. Our approach iteratively performs both a backward Extended LQR pass, which computes approximate cost-to-go functions, and a forward Extended LQR pass, which computes approximate cost-to-come functions. The states at which the sum of these functions is minimal provide an approximately optimal sequence of states for the control problem, and we use these points to linearize the dynamics and quadratize the cost functions in the subsequent iteration. Our results indicate that Extended LQR converges quickly and reliably to a locally-optimal solution of the non-linear, non-quadratic optimal control problem. In addition, we show that our approach is easily extended to include temporal optimization, in which the duration of a trajectory is optimized as part of the control problem. We demonstrate the potential of our approach on two illustrative non-linear control problems involving simulated and physical differential-drive robots and simulated quadrotor helicopters.
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