A Distributed SDN Control Plane for Consistent Policy Updates


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Software-defined networking (SDN) is a novel paradigm that out-sources the control of packet-forwarding switches to a set of software controllers. The most fundamental task of these controllers is the correct implementation of the \emph{network policy}, i.e., the intended network behavior. In essence, such a policy specifies the rules by which packets must be forwarded across the network. This paper studies a distributed SDN control plane that enables \emph{concurrent} and \emph{robust} policy implementation. We introduce a formal model describing the interaction between the data plane and a distributed control plane (consisting of a collection of fault-prone controllers). Then we formulate the problem of \emph{consistent} composition of concurrent network policy updates (short: the \emph{CPC Problem}). To anticipate scenarios in which some conflicting policy updates must be rejected, we enable the composition via a natural \emph{transactional} interface with all-or-nothing semantics. We show that the ability of an $f$-resilient distributed control plane to process concurrent policy updates depends on the tag complexity, i. e., the number of policy labels (a.k.a. \emph{tags}) available to the controllers, and describe a CPC protocol with optimal tag complexity $f+2$.
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