and J.Nelson. Cache-oblivious streaming b-trees


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ABSTRACTA streaming B-tree is a dictionary that efficiently implements insertions and range queries. We present two cache-oblivious streaming B-trees, the shuttle tree, and the cache-oblivious lookahead array (COLA). For block-transfer size B and on N elements, the shuttle tree implements searches in optimal O(log B+1N) transfers, range queries of L successive elements in optimal O(log B+1N +L/B) transfers, and insertions in O((log B+1N)/BΘ(1/(log log B)2)+(log2N)/B) transfers, which is an asymptotic speedup over traditional B-trees if B ≥ (log N)1+c log log log2 N for any constant c >1. A COLA implements searches in O(log N) transfers, range queries in O(log N + L/B) transfers, and insertions in amortized O((log N)/B) transfers, matching the bounds for a (cache-aware) buffered repository tree. A partially deamortized COLA matches these bounds but reduces the worst-case insertion cost to O(log N) if memory size M = Ω(log N). We also present a cache-aware version of the COLA, the lookahead array, which achieves the same bounds as Brodal and Fagerberg's (cache-aware) Bε-tree. We compare our COLA implementation to a traditional B-tree. Our COLA implementation runs 790 times faster for random inser-tions, 3.1 times slower for insertions of sorted data, and 3.5 times slower for searches.
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