Partial Collapsing Degeneration of Floer Trajectories and Adiabatic Gluing

Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series(2024)

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In the present paper, we study partial collapsing degeneration of Hamiltonian-perturbed Floer trajectories for an adiabatic ε -family and its reversal adiabatic gluing, as the prototype of the partial collapsing degeneration of 2-dimensional (perturbed) J -holomorphic maps to 1-dimensional gradient segments. We consider the case when the Floer equations are S 1 -invariant on parts of their domains whose adiabatic limit has positive length as ε → 0, which we call thimble-flow-thimble configurations. The main gluing theorem we prove also applies to the case with Lagrangian boundaries such as in the problem of recovering holomorphic disks out of pearly configuration. In particular, our gluing theorem gives rise to a new direct proof of the chain isomorphism property between the Morse–Bott version of Lagrangian intersection Floer complex of L by Fukaya–Oh–Ohta–Ono and the pearly complex of L Lalonde and Biran–Cornea. It also provides another proof of the present authors’ earlier proof of the isomorphism property of the PSS map without involving the target rescaling and the scale-dependent gluing.
Floer trajectory equation,partial collapsing degeneration,thimble-flow-thimble moduli space,adiabatic gluing,exponential decay estimates,three-interval method
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